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Senin, 22 April 2013



A.    Background Issues
Mathematic is a subject that is taught at every level of education in Indonesia ranging from elementary school (SD) to High School (SMA). Since education is one important thing to determine the reciprocation of a nation, to produce human resources development as a subject in a good, necessary capital from the education itself. Especially for mathematic, in addition to having an abstract nature, a good understanding of the concept is very important because to understand the new concepts necessary prerequisite understanding of the concept before.
The problem now faced in the world of education is how to improve the quality of education is generally associated with high or low student achievement obtained. Various attempts have been made ​​by the manager of education in order to improve student achievement, one of them by making changes in the curriculum and changes in the learning process in schools. This step is the first step to improve the quality of education. But the reality of student achievement, especially in mathematics is still relatively low.
Material mathematics is hierarchical, meaning the study of mathematics concepts previously made ​​a prerequisite to be completely controlled in order to understand the concept further. Mathematical concepts in a unified and continuous round. For it is in the process of learning the teacher must be able to convey this concept to students and how the students can understand. Learning the math done by considering the concept sequence starting from the most simple.
The views of students about Mathematics as a scourge is mostly found or obtained, this view resulted in students being passive, reluctant, fearful or ashamed express ideas or solutions to practice questions given in class. Not infrequently students are less able to learn mathematics because mathematics is considered difficult.
It is not only the students but the error maybe caused by many things such as the use of teachers instructional strategies in a monotone. The use of learning strategies in the possible monotony students will be sleepy because of boring. Currently there are many teachers who use the old learning models in the learning process in schools. Teachers read or recite the material conveyed and the students listen, take notes, and try to finish as  the example of the teacher, or can be called conventional learning models. This resulted in the lack of interaction between teachers and students and making student spassive, less attention in learning, creative and independent.
In anticipation of such problems, in learning math should use appropriate learning strategies that increase students' mathematics achievement. Expected learning strategy research is a learning strategy that can help students become active, creative and easily learn math concepts. The strategy among others to implement strategies is strategy Concept Mapping and strategy of Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Racit, and Review (PQ4R).
Concept Mapping Strategy is one part of the strategy of the organization. The strategy aims to help organizations improve the understanding of the organization is mainly done by using new materials. Martin (inTrianto, 2009:157) says that Concept Mapping is an important new innovations to help children produce meaningful learning in the classroom. Concept maps provide a concrete visual aid to help organize information before the information is submitted.
Other learning strategies with learning strategies Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Racit, and Review (PQ4R) is one part of the strategy elaboration. Strategy Elaboration is a process of adding detail so that the new information will become more meaningful. This strategy was used to help students remember what they read, and can help the learning process conducted in class by reading the material in the text book. Arends (inTrianto, 2009:154) states that learning strategies are used to refer to behavior that affect what students learn, including memory and meta cognitive processes. Through learning strategies Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Racit, and Review (PQ4R) students are expected to understand the concept to the subject matter.
Based on the background above, the writer is interested to examine the implementation strategies Concept Mapping and Strategy Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Racit and Review (PQ4R) in mathematics learning. Concept Mapping Strategy is the delivery of learning mathematics using a concept map of each chapter, and the material given that the concept will be more easily understood. Strategy Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Racit and Review (PQ4R) is a strategy that emphasizes on reading chapter by chapter in learning so that by using this strategy of understanding concepts students are expected to be increased.

B.     Problem Formulation
Based on the background of the above problems can be formulated in this study is: Is there a significant difference between students who were teaching the Concept Mapping learning strategies and teaching students who were learning strategy Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Racit and Review (PQ4R ) mathematics learning achievement?

C.    Objective
1.      General Objectives
This study generally aims to determine the truth of the contribution to the learning process learning strategies Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Racit and Review (PQ4R) and Concept Mapping strategy is applied to the learning of mathematics.
2.      Specific Objectives
The purpose specifically is to determine significant differences between the mathematics achievement of students who use learning strategies Concept Mapping and strategies Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Racit and Review (PQ4R) in mathematics learning on the subject of the set.

D.    Outcome
1.      The Oretical Benefits
Generally, this study contributes to the education can improve student math achievement. Learning achievement maybe an impetus for students to improve science and technology and serve as a feedback in education.
2.      Practical Benefits
a.       For Students
Getting  a firsth and experience with the freedom to learn actively.
b.      For Teachers
Can contribute in improving the quality of teaching mathematics to improve the quality of education and student achievement.

c.       For Researchers
Can be used to add knowledge and insight in understanding the increasing student achievement through learning strategies Concept Mapping and strategy Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Racit and Review (PQ4R).


A.    Literature review
1.      Learning Mathematics
Learning is an activity for everyone, knowledge, skills, habits, and attitudes of a person's penchant formed and evolved is caused by modified learning (Herman Hudojo, 1990:1). Based on this definition a person is learning, if it can be assumed in one self it becomes a process that resulted in a performance activity behavior change .
Oemar Hamalik, (2001: 27) defines learning as the modification or reinforce behavior through experience. From the definition of the learning is a process, an activity and not a result or goal. Learning is not just to remember but more than that.
Based on the facts that have been put forward that understanding learning then there are terms that are relevant to their educational development is a process of learning, especially in mathematic.
Learning is an attempt to create a situation so that the student teacher learning, including the use of various methods and learning media. Trianto (2009: 17) defines learning is a complex aspect of human activity, which is not fully explained.
Simply learning can be defined as the product of continuous interaction between development and life experiences. In a more complex sense of learning is essentially a conscious effort of one teacher for learn students. Learning is shown in the figure below:

It can be concluded that learning mathematics is a process to help learners to learn math better. The learning process is an attempt learn the students by developing appropriate learning method to achieve the desired learning outcomes.

a.       Math Achievement
1.)    Nature of Mathematics
Mathematic is a subject that is very important in education systems around the world. Countries that ignore the mathematics education as a top priority will be left out of the progress of all areas (especially science and technology), compared with other countries that provide a place for mathematics as a subject that is very important. In Indonesia, from elementary school through college, playgroup or perhaps even earlier (baby school), mastery of mathematics terms clearly cannot be ruled out. To be educated during in school until college well, the students are required to master mathematic.
According Ruseffendi (1997: 50) Mathematics is a human way of thinking. of the definition, it could be concluded that the teaching and learning of mathematics was also a process of thinking, because someone said that when people think of mental activity and the learning of mathematics have to do mental activities. In thinking, people construct relationships between the parts information recorded in his mind as notions.
2.)    Learning achievement
The word comes from the Dutch achievement "prestatie" later in the Indonesian language into meaningful achievement of business results. Learning achievement in education is student achievement indicating proficiency in mastering the lessons delivered by teachers.
Learning achievement or learning outcomes is the ability-the ability of the student after he received a gradual learning experience (Nana Sudjana, 2002:22). Horward kingsley (in Nana Sudjana, 2002:22) divides three different learning outcomes are:
a.)    Skills and habits
b.)    Knowledge and understanding
c.)    Attitudes and ideals.
While Benjamin S. Bloom (in Ruseffendi, 1997:304) divides the classification of learning outcomes into three domains, namely: the cognitive, the affective, psychomotor domains.
Cognitive learning outcomes are related to intellectual property consists of six aspects of the knowledge or memory, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. While the affective realm with regard to the attitude which consists of five aspects of acceptance, answers or reactions, judgment, organization, and internalization. And Psychomotor domains with respect to the results of learning skills and the ability to act. There are six aspect psychomotor domains namely reflexes, basic movement skills, perceptual ability, harmony or accuracy, movement skills Kompeks and movement ekspretif and interpretive.
Based out of some sense of learning, academic achievement, and thenature of mathematics that has been described above, it is concluded that math achievement is the result of one achieves mastery of mathematical knowledge that is expressed in the form of numbers, letters or words, and is a reflection of learning outcomes achieved in a given period with the change in behavior.
1.      Concept Mapping Learning Strategy
Djamarah and Zain (2002) in (Trianto, 2009:158) The concept or notion is the main condition that need to master the skills of discrimination and fundamental cognitive processes previously based on common characteristics of a set of stimulus and objects.
Martin (1994) in (Trianto, 2009:158) Asis the purpose Strategy Concept Mapping is a graphical illustration of the concrete which indicates how a single concept connected to other concepts in the same category. Concept maps help teachers understand the various concepts on the topic at the plant is greater than being taught. This understanding will improve planning and the teacher's instructions. A clear mapping to avoid the misconception that in the form of students. Without the teacher's concept map will only teach what is in the mindor is liked.

2.      Strategies Learning of Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Racit and Review(PQ4R)
PQ4R strategy is one part of the strategy elaboration. This strategy was used to help students remember what they read, and can help the learning process in the classroom conducted by reading the material in the textbook.
Reading activities aimed to study through to completion of a learning chapter by chapter. With reading skills that every student will be able to enter the world of science that is full of charm, a lot of wisdom to understand the treasures of wisdom, and develop other skills are very useful for future success in life.
Arends (inTrianto, 2009:154) says that learning strategies refer to behavior and thought processes used which influence what students learn, including memory and meta cognitive processes. Another name for learning strategies are cognitive strategies. The steps that must be done in PQ4R strategy are:
a.      Preview (read glance quickly) are reading tasks quickly with attention to the title sand the main topic, read the general objectives and summaries, and formulate the content of the reading is talking about what.
b.      Question (asked) is steeped in the topic and the main title with give a questions whose answers can be found in the text, and then try to answer it.
c.      Read (reading) is the task of reading the literature carefully, by checking the answers were filed in the second step.
d.     Reflect (reflection) is there flection and reading by creating a visual representation of the text and connecting your new information in the literature on what is already known.
e.      Racit (Question answer itself) is doing a recitation by answer in galoud the questions asked without opening a book.
f.       Review (repeat as a whole) is a step to repeat the whole passage, re read if necessary, and once again answer the questions posed.
B.     Conceptual framework
1.      Learning with the application of Concept Mapping strategy
The steps in making a concept map is:
a.      Identify the main idea or principle covers a number of concepts.
b.      Determining the relevant concepts.
c.      Sort the concepts of inclusive to less inclusive.
d.     Compiling these concepts in a chart, an inclusive concept placed at the top or at the top of the map and connect with conjunction. (Trianto. 2009:160).

2.      Learning with the implementation of the strategy Preview, Question, read, reflect, racit, Review (PQ4R)
Step-by-step learning model with the application of strategies Preview, Question, read, reflect, racit, Review (PQ4R):

Table 2.3
Adapted from Arends (1997) in (Trianto,2009:154-155)
Behavior of  teachers
Students activities
Step 1
•Provide reading to students to read.

•Inform student show to find the main idea/learning objectives to be achieved.
• Read glance quickly to find the main idea/learning objectives to be achieved

Step 2
•Inform the students to pay attention to the meaning of the text.
•Provide tasks to students to make inquiries from the main idea
•Pay attention to the teacher's explanation.

•Answering questions that have been made

Step 3
•Provide tasks for students to read and respond/answer questions prepared in advance.
• Reading while actively responding to what has been read and answer the question that has been on him.

Step 4
•Simulate or inform existing material on the reading material.
•Not just memorize and recall of the subject matter, however, try to solve the problem given by the teacher with knowledge of known

Step 5
•Ask students to make the essence of the entire discussion lesson  is learned today
.•Asking and answering questions.

•Seeing the essence of records that have been made previously.

Step 6
•Assign students to read extracts made ​​from the details of the main idea is in his mind.
•Ask students to  read  material back, if still not sure of the answer.
•Answering the essence that has been made.

•Reading back literature students, if still not sure of the answer.


A.    Type of Research
This study includes the type of research experiments that compare the results of the experimental group who are treated Strategy Concept Mapping with a control group to which the treatment strategy Preview Questions Read Reflect Racit Review (PQ4R
According Habibudin (2009:16), the experimental method is the method used when the symptoms studied deliberately held or researchers intentionally controlling the various factors in a way that is convincing to conclude that the observed effects solely generated by the treatment given.
Based on the above definition, this research uses experimental methods because of the symptoms studied deliberately held in SMPN 1 Mataram of the school year 2013/2014.

B.     Population and Sample
1.      Population
        The population is are on consisting of generalization: the objects or subjects that have quality and special characteristic set by researchers for study and then drawn conclusions (Sugiyono, 2010:80). So we can conclude that the population is to study all aspects. The population in this study were all students in grade VII SMPN 1 Mataram school year 2013/2014, with a total of 249 people were divided students into seven classes, namely class VII. A, b, c, d, e, f, and g.
2.      sample
        The samples are part of the population will be observed (Sugiyono, 2008:118). Based on such understand selecting samples, researchers used purposive sampling technique is sampling techniques with particular consideration (Sugiyono, 2010:85). In order to facilitate researchers in research activities is then selected a model cluster random sampling, by selecting the class VII.a and VII.b classes the total number of students sample research. With total 70 people, and with the details of the class VII.a numbered 35 people as the experimental class and the class VII.b totaled 35 people as control classes.

C.    Research data
1.      Types and Sources of Data
This study includes the type of research that is qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative data obtained from the student activity observation sand quantitative data obtained from the test results give to students. The data is then analyzed using a pre determined formula.
The source of research data is derived from a class VII.a dan VII.b SMPN 1Mataram school year 2013/2014, with details of the number of students per classis VII.a many as 35 people and as many as 36 people VII.b class and number of students totaled 71 people.
2.      Data Collection Techniques
a.       Test
Tests that researchers use in this study is in the form of a written test multiple choice questions consisting of 15 items about the before and after implementation strategy Concept Mapping  and Preview Questions Read Reflect Racit Review (PQ4R) to measure the extent to which the effectiveness of these learning strategies.
The use of tests as instruments of research based on the needs of the student learning outcomes data as proposed by Anas Sudijono (2005: 66), the test is a tool or a procedure in use in the context of measurement and assessment.
In connection with this discussion, it is a "test" is many questions or exercises that are used to measure skill, knowledge, intelligence, the ability of talent possessed by individuals or groups (Arikunto, 2006: 138). Mean while grating test instrument that researchers use is the range in the set material.
Based on the above description, the instruments used to collect data in this study is a test, which consists of a number of questions that must be done by the students, the tests used in this study is based on multiple-choice test with 15 items about the number of questions with regard level of difficulty to suit indicators in Learning Implementation Plan.
b.      Observation
In this observation the researchers will conduct direct observation when the learning process is going. Then all the activities that the researchers did in this study will be observed by an observer appointed by the principal as a companion in this study.
Observations in this study serve only as secondary data, meaning that as the reinforcement of the primary data in the form desired student achievement outcomes before and after implementation of the strategy and the strategy of Concept Mapping and Preview Questions Read Reflect  Racit Review (PQ4R) in learning. So that the observation of an additional data to complete the study.
1.)    Test Validity
The validity of the tool with respect to the accuracy of the assessed valuation of the concepts that really assess what should be assessed.
Validity is a measure that indicates the level of validity or the validity of a good instrument. Instrument have high validity and vice versa.
With regard to the validity of the instrument, Suharsimi (2006:168) states that "an instrument is said to be valid if the data reveal precisely studied variables". Meanwhile, according to Anas Sudijono (2005: 182) argues that "what is meant by the validity of the instrument items is owned by the accuracy of measuring an item (which is an integral part of the test as a totality), in assessing what should be measured by the test items ".
Based on the description above, in this study the determination of the validity of the instrument using the point biserial correlation formula according Suharsimi (2006:283), as follows:
rPbs     : Point biserial coefficient
MP       :The average score of the subjects who responded well to items Wanted          validity.
Mt        : Mean total score
St         : Standard deviation of the total score
Q         :The proportion of students who answered correctly
Q         : The proportion of students who answered incorrectly (Q =1-P)
With such an instrument as valid if it meets the criteria if r count r≥ of the table t hen the instrument is valid and vice versa if the count r≤ r table of the instrument is invalid, the significance level of 5%, and95% confidence intervals
2.)    Test Reliability
A test can be said to be reliable if the implementation of measures in recent times again the same group of subjects obtained the same relative results. To test the reliability of this instrument, we used the formula KR.20. KR.20 formulaused to find the reliability score1 (for items answered correctly) and 0 (for items answered incorrectly). WhereK-R.20 formulais asfollows
r11= )
r11       = Reliability instruments
k          = Number of items about
p          = Proportion of subjects who answered the item correctly
q          = Proportion of subjects who answered the items with one (q =1-p)
VarianVt = Total
Σ pq     =Number of the multiplication between p and q
(Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006:187-188)
Furthermore R11 price in r produck moment consult with r11≥ r criteria if the instrument is said reabel table and vice versa if r11≤ r table the instrument is said to be reliable.
D.    Research variables
According Suharsimi, (2006: 118), the variable is an object of research or anything that concerns a study. To get a clear picture of the research object. There are two types of variables in this study the independent variables and thedependent variables. Based on this Arikunto (2006:126) argues that "the variables that affect the so-called independent variable or variables that influenced the cause while variable called variable or variables effect".
So in this study, there are two variables:
1.      Independent variable
The independent variable in this study is the strategy and the strategy of Concept Mapping and strategy Preview Question Read Reflect Racit Review (PQ4R)
2.      Dependent Variable
The dependent variable in this study is academic achievement.

E.     Data Analysis
1.      Test requirements analysis
a.       Normality test
According Suharsimi (2006:290 and 320), the data normality test is a way to determine whether the data obtained by normal or not. To measure the normal and of the data by using a formula chi - squared is:
X         = chi-squared
fo         = frequency of observation
fh         = Frequency of hope
Thus,if the price of X2<X2 table with significance level of  5% and the error degrees of freedom k-3 then the data is said to spread in the normal distribution, and vice versa if the price X2<X2  table then the data is not normally distributed.
b.      Homogeneity Test Data
According Suharsimi (2006:321), to test the homogeneity of the data, the test is based on the assumption that if the variance is owned by the respective samples are not much different then the sample said to be quite homogeneous. Variants obtained from the squared standard deviation.
Testing the homogeneity of the data on the sample or the population in terms of homogeneity of variance test was used with the following formula:
F          =  coefficient of F test
        = Varian experimental group
        = Varian control group
Criteria when calculating the price F < F table with a significance level of 5% and the degrees of freedom (K-2, NK), the data revealed homogeneous.

F.     Hypothesis testing
According Suharsimi (2006:71), the hypothesis is said to be a temporary answer to the problem of research to prove through data collected.
Mean while, according Sugiyono (2010:64) says the hypothesis is temporary answer to the problem formulation studies, formulation of research problems which have been expressed in the form of a question sentence.
Based on the opinions of the hypothesis proposed in this study is still to be test dis true, and the proof of the alternative hypothesis (Ha) should be changed to null hypothesis (Ho) so that researchers do not have or are not affected Ha statement.
Because this study use and experimental method to test the hypothesis that says there is a significant difference between students who are learning strategies Concept Mapping and students who are strategic Preview, Question,  Read, Reflect, Racit, review (PQ4R) on learning achievement is to use the analysis test data using the formula t-test as follows:
In this research because Nx = Ny then the formula becomes:
 t            = t value value – average yield per group
M          = Mean/value – average yield per group
X           = deviation of the comparison group
Y           = Deviation of the experimental group
N           = Many respondents
Criteria for testing Ho is rejected if t count > t  table t the 0.05% level test and if t count < t table then Ho isaccepted.

Tugas Teaching of Mathematic In English


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